Relation Between Resonant Power and Off resonant Power
The Relation Between Resonant Power and Off resonant Power is explained in this article. In a series RLC resonant circuit, current is maximum i.e. Io at the resonant frequency fo. The maximum power Po is dissipated by the circuit at this frequency where XL equals XC. Hence, circuit impedance Zo = R.
∴ Po = Io2R = (V/R)2 x R = V2/R
At any other frequency either above or below fo the power is (Figure (A)).
Figure A
The above equation shows that any frequency other than fo, the circuit power P is reduced by a factor of (1 + Q2) where Q is the tangent of the circuit phase angle (and not Qo). At resonance, circuit phase angle θ = 0, and Q = tan θ = 0. Hence, P = Po = V2/R (values of Qo are given in Art.)