Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series

Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series

Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series

The three elements Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series are shown in Figure (A) joined in series across an A.C. supply of R.M.S. voltage V. 

Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series
Figure A

Let                               VR = IR = voltage drop across R                                     —in phase with I

                                    VL = I.XL = voltage drop across L                               —leading I by π/2

                                   VC = I.XC = voltage drop across C                               —lagging I by π/2

In voltage triangle of Figure (B), OA represents VR, AB and AC represent the inductive and capacitive drops respectively. It will be seen that VL and VC are 180° out of phase with each other i.e. they are in direct opposition to each other.

Subtracting BD (= AC) from AB, we get the net reactive drop AD = I (XL − XC)

The applied voltage V is represented by OD and is the vector sum of OA and AD

Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series
Figure B

(impedance)2 = (resistance)2 + (net reactance)2
or Z2 = R2 + (XL− XC)2 = R2 + X2

where X is the net reactance (Figure (A), (B) & (C)).
Phase angle φ is given by tan φ = (XL − XC)/R = X/R = net reactance/resistance

Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series
Figure C

Power factor is

Hence, it is seen that if the equation of the applied voltage is v = Vmsin ωt, then equation of the resulting current in an R-L-C circuit is given by i = Imsin (ωt ± φ)

The + ve sign is to be used when current leads i.e. XC > XL
The − ve sign is to be used when current lags i.e. when XL > XC.

In general, the current lags or leads the supply voltage by an angle φ such that tan φ = X/R.

Using symbolic notation, we have (Figure (D)), Z = R + j (XL − XC)

Numerical value of impedance

Resistance Inductance and Capacitance in Series
Figure D

Its phase angle is Φ = tan−1 [XL − XC/R]

Z = Z ∠ tan−1[(XL − XC)/R] = Z ∠ tan−1(X/R)

If V = V ∠ 0, then, I = V/Z

Summary of Results of Series AC Circuits

Type of ImpedanceValue of ImpedancePhase angle for currentPower factor
Resistance onlyR1
Inductance onlyωL90° Lag0
Capacitance only1/ωC90° Lead0
Resistance and Inductance < φ < 90° lag1 > p.f. > 0 lag
Resistance and Capacitance < φ < 90° lead1 > p.f. > 0 lead
R-L-C 0° and 90° lag or leadbetween 0 and unity lag or lead

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