Syllabus Sixth Semester Renewable Energy Technology ME-604
The concepts developed in this course will aid in quantification of several concepts in Mechanical Engineering that have been introduced at the Engineering courses. Technology is being increasingly based on the latest Syllabus Sixth Semester Renewable Energy Technology ME604 is given here.
The objective of this course “Syllabus Sixth Semester Renewable Energy Technology ME604“ is to develop ability and gain insight into the process of problem-solving, with emphasis on thermodynamics. Specially in following manner: Apply conservation principles (mass and energy) to evaluate the performance of simple engineering systems and cycles. Evaluate thermodynamic properties of simple homogeneous substances. Analyze processes and cycles using the second law of thermodynamics to determine maximum efficiency and performance. Discuss the physical relevance of the numerical values for the solutions to specific engineering problems and the physical relevance of the problems in general and Critically evaluate the validity of the numerical solutions for specific engineering problems. More precisely, the objectives are:
- To enable young technocrats to acquire mathematical knowledge to understand Laplace transformation, Inverse Laplace transformation and Fourier Transform which are used in various branches of engineering.
- To introduce effective mathematical tools for the Numerical Solutions algebraic and transcendental equations.
- To acquaint the student with mathematical tools available in Statistics needed in various field of science and engineering.
ME 604 – Renewable Energy Technology
Extra-terrestrial and terrestrial, radiation measuring instrument, radiation measurement and predictions. Solar thermal conversion: Basics, Flat plate collectors-liquid and air type. Theory of flat plate collectors, selective coating, advanced collectors, Concentrators: optical design of concentrators, solar water heater, solar dryers, solar stills, solar cooling and refrigeration. Solar photovoltaic: Principle of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy; Technology for fabrication of photovoltaic devices; Applications of solar cells in PV generation systems; Organic PV cells.
Characteristics and measurement: Metrology of wind speed distribution, wind speed statistics, Weibull, Rayleigh and Normal distribution, Measurement of wind data, Energy estimation of wind regimes; Wind Energy Conversion: Wind energy conversion principles; General introduction; Types and classification of WECS; Power, torque and speed characteristics; power curve of wind turbine, capacity factor, matching wind turbine with wind regimes; Application of wind energy.
Photosynthesis-C3 & C4 plants on biomass production; Biomass resources assessment; Co2 fixation potential of biomass; Classification of biomass; Physicochemical characteristics of biomass as fuel Biomass conversion routes: biochemical, chemical and thermo chemical Biochemical conversion of biomass to energy: anaerobic digestion, biogas production mechanism, technology, types of digesters, design of biogas plants, installation, operation and maintenance of biogas plants, biogas plant manure-utilization and manure values. Biomass Gasification: Different types, power generation from gasification, cost benefit analysis of power generation by gasification.
Small Hydropower Systems:
Overview of micro, mini and small hydro system; hydrology; Elements of turbine; Assessment of hydro power; selection and design criteria of turbines; site selection and civil works; speed and voltage regulation; Investment issue load management and tariff collection; Distribution and marketing issues. Ocean Energy: Ocean energy resources, ocean energy routs; Principle of ocean thermal energy conversion system, ocean thermal power plants. Principles of ocean wave energy and Tidal energy conversion.
Geothermal Energy:
Origin of geothermal resources, type of geothermal energy deposits, site selection geothermal power plants; Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen as a source of energy, Hydrogen production and storage. Fuel Cells: Types of fuel cell, fuel cell system and sub-system, Principle of working, basic thermodynamics.
Books Recommended
1. Kothari, Singal & Rajan; Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, PHILearn
2. Khan, B H, Non Conventional Energy, TMH.
3. Sukhatme and Nayak, Solar Energy, Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage,TMH.
4. Tiwari and Ghosal, Renewable Energy Resources: basic principle & application, NarosaPubl
5. Koteswara Rao, Energy Resources, Conventional & Non-Conventional, BSP Publication.
6. Chetan Singh Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamental, technologies and Application,PHI L
7. Abbasi Tanseem and Abbasi SA; Renewable Energy Sources; PHI Learning
8. Ravindranath NH and Hall DO, Biomass, Energy and Environment, Oxford University Press.
9. Duffie and Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Process, Wiley
10. Nikolai, Khartchenko; Green Power; Tech Book International
11. Tester, Sustainable Energy-Choosing Among Options, PHI Learning.
12. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy: Power for a sustainable future, Oxford OUP.