Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Internet and Web Technology CS504


Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Internet and Web Technology CS504

The concepts developed in this course will aid in quantification of several concepts in Computer Science Engineering that have been introduced at the Engineering courses. Technology is being increasingly based on the latest Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Internet and Web Technology CS504 is given here.

The objective of this course Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Internet and Web Technology CS504 is to develop ability and gain insight into the process of problem-solving, with emphasis on thermodynamics. Specially in following manner: Apply conservation principles (mass and energy) to evaluate the performance of simple engineering systems and cycles. Evaluate thermodynamic properties of simple homogeneous substances. Analyze processes and cycles using the second law of thermodynamics to determine maximum efficiency and performance. Discuss the physical relevance of the numerical values for the solutions to specific engineering problems and the physical relevance of the problems in general and Critically evaluate the validity of the numerical solutions for specific engineering problems. More precisely, the objectives are:

  • To enable young technocrats to acquire mathematical knowledge to understand Laplace transformation, Inverse Laplace transformation and Fourier Transform which are used in various branches of engineering.
  • To introduce effective mathematical tools for the Numerical Solutions algebraic and transcendental equations.
  • To acquaint the student with mathematical tools available in Statistics needed in various field of science and engineering.

CS 504 – Internet And Web Technology

Unit 1
Introduction: Concept of WWW, Internet and WWW, HTTP Protocol : Request and Response, Web browser and Web servers, Features of Web 2.0 Web Design: Concepts of effective web design, Webdesign issues including Browser, Bandwidth and Cache, Display resolution, Look and Feel of the Web site, Page Layout and linking, User centric design, Sitemap, Planning and publishing website, Designing effective navigation.
Unit 2
HTML :Basics of HTML, formatting and fonts, commenting code, color, hyperlink, lists, tables, images, forms, XHTML, Meta tags, Character entities, frames and frame sets, Browser architecture and Web site structure. Overview and features of HTML5.
Unit 3
Style sheets : Need for CSS, introduction to CSS, basic syntax and structure, using CSS, background images, colors and properties, manipulating texts, using fonts, borders and boxes, margins, padding lists, positioning using CSS, CSS2, Overview and features of CSS3 JavaScript : Client side scripting with JavaScript, variables, functions, conditions, loops and repetition, Pop up boxes, Advance JavaScript: Java script and objects, JavaScript own objects, the DOM and web browser environments, Manipulation using DOM, forms and validations, DHTML : Combining HTML, CSS and Java script, Events and buttons.
Unit 4
XML : Introduction to XML, uses of XML, simple XML, XML key components, DTD and Schemas, Using XML with application. Transforming XML using XSL and XSLT PHP: Introduction and basic syntax of PHP, decision and looping with examples, PHP and HTML, Arrays, Functions, Browser control and detection, string, Form processing, Files, Advance Features: Cookies and Sessions, Object Oriented Programming with PHP.
Unit 5
PHP and MySQL: Basic commands with PHP examples, Connection to server, creating database, selecting a database, listing database, listing table names, creating a table, inserting data, altering tables, queries, deleting database, deleting data and tables, PHP myadmin and database bugs.

Books Recommended

1.Developing Web Applications, Ralph Moseley and M. T. Savaliya, Wiley-India
2.Web Technologies, Black Book, dreamtech Press
3.HTML 5, Black Book, dreamtech Press
4.Web Design, Joel Sklar, Cengage Learning
5.Developing Web Applications in PHP and AJAX, Harwani, McGrawHill
6.Internet and World Wide Web How to program, P.J. Deitel & H.M. Deitel , Pearson.