Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Theory of Computation CS501


Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Theory of Computation CS501

The concepts developed in this course will aid in quantification of several concepts in Computer Science Engineering that have been introduced at the Engineering courses. Technology is being increasingly based on the latest Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Theory of Computation CS501 is given here.

The objective of this course Syllabus B Tech Computer Science Fifth Semester Theory of Computation CS501 is to develop ability and gain insight into the process of problem-solving, with emphasis on thermodynamics. Specially in following manner: Apply conservation principles (mass and energy) to evaluate the performance of simple engineering systems and cycles. Evaluate thermodynamic properties of simple homogeneous substances. Analyze processes and cycles using the second law of thermodynamics to determine maximum efficiency and performance. Discuss the physical relevance of the numerical values for the solutions to specific engineering problems and the physical relevance of the problems in general and Critically evaluate the validity of the numerical solutions for specific engineering problems. More precisely, the objectives are:

  • To enable young technocrats to acquire mathematical knowledge to understand Laplace transformation, Inverse Laplace transformation and Fourier Transform which are used in various branches of engineering.
  • To introduce effective mathematical tools for the Numerical Solutions algebraic and transcendental equations.
  • To acquaint the student with mathematical tools available in Statistics needed in various field of science and engineering.

CS 501 – Theory of Computation

Unit 1
Introduction of Automata Theory: Examples of automata machines, Finite Automata as a language acceptor and translator, Moore machines and mealy machines, composite machine, Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa.
Unit 2
Types of Finite Automata: Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA), Deterministic finite automata machines, conversion of NDFA to DFA, minimization of automata machines, regular expression, Arden’s theorem. Meaning of union, intersection, concatenation and closure, 2 way DFA.
Unit 3
Grammars: Types of grammar, context sensitive grammar, and context free grammar, regular grammar. Derivation trees, ambiguity in grammar, simplification of context free grammar, conversion of grammar to automata machine and vice versa, Chomsky hierarchy of grammar, killing null and unit productions. Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form.
Unit 4
Push down Automata: example of PDA, deterministic and non-deterministic PDA, conversion of PDA into context free grammar and vice versa, CFG equivalent to PDA, Petrinet model.
Unit 5
Turing Machine: Techniques for construction. Universal Turing machine Multitape, multihead and multidimensional Turing machine, N-P complete problems. Decidability and Recursively Enumerable Languages, decidability, decidable languages, undecidable languages, Halting problem of Turing machine & the post correspondence problem.

Practical List

1. Design a Program for creating machine that accepts three consecutive one.
2. Design a Program for creating machine that accepts the string always ending with 101.
3. Design a Program for Mode 3 Machine
4. Design a program for accepting decimal number divisible by 2.
5. Design a program for creating a machine which accepts string having equal no. of 1’s and 0’s.
6. Design a program for creating a machine which count number of 1’s and 0’s in a given string.
7. Design a Program to find 2’s complement of a given binary number.
8. Design a Program which will increment the given binary number by 1.
9. Design a Program to convert NDFA to DFA.
10. Design a Program to create PDA machine that accept the well-formed parenthesis.
11. Design a PDA to accept WCWR where w is any string and WR
is reverse of that string and C is a Special symbol. 12. Design a Turing machine that’s accepts the following language a n b n c n where n>0. 

Books Recommended

  1. Introduction to Automata Theory Language & Computation, Hopcroft& Ullman, Narosa Publication.
  2. Element of the Theory Computation, Lewis & Christors, Pearson.
  3. Theory of Computation, Chandrasekhar & Mishra, PHI.
  4. Theory of Computation, Wood, Harper & Row.
  5. Introduction to Computing Theory, Daniel I-A Cohen, Wiley.