Syllabus Second Semester Basic Computer Engineering BT205
The concepts developed in this course will aid in quantification of several concepts in chemistry that have been introduced at the 10+2 levels in schools. Technology is being increasingly based on the electronic, atomic and molecular level modifications, Syllabus Second Semester Basic Mechanical Engineering BT203 is given here.
Manufacturing is fundamental to the development of any engineering product. The course on Engineering Workshop Practice is intended to expose engineering students to different types of manufacturing / fabrication processes, dealing with different materials such as metals, ceramics, plastics, wood, glass etc. While the actual practice of fabrication techniques is given more weightage, some lectures and video clips available on different methods of manufacturing are also included
1. Manufacturing Methods- casting, forming, machining, joining, advanced manufacturing methods (3 lectures)
2. CNC machining, Additive manufacturing (1 lecture)
3. Fitting operations & power tools (1 lecture)
4. Electrical &Electronics (1 lecture)
5. Carpentry (1 lecture)
6. Plastic moulding, glass cutting (1 lecture)
7. Metal casting (1 lecture)
8. Welding (arc welding & gas welding), brazing (1 lecture)
BT 205 – Basic Computer Engineering
Reference Books :
1. Introduction of Computers : Peter Norton, TMH
2. Object Oriented Programming with C++ :E.Balagurusamy, TMH
3. Object Oriented Programming in C++: Rajesh K.Shukla, Wiley India
4. Concepts in Computing: Kenneth Hoganson, Jones & Bartlett.
5. Operating Systems – Silberschatz and Galvin – Wiley India
6. Computer Networks:Andrew Tananbaum, PHI
7. Data Base Management Systems, Korth, TMH
8. Cloud Computing, Kumar, Wiley India
Experiments :
01. Study and practice of Internal & External DOS commands.
02. Study and practice of Basic linux Commands – ls, cp, mv, rm, chmod, kill, ps etc.
03. Study and Practice of MS windows – Folder related operations, My-Computer, window explorer, Control Panel,
04. Creation and editing of Text files using MS- word.
05. Creation and operating of spreadsheet using MS-Excel.
06. Creation and editing power-point slides using MS- power point
07. Creation and manipulation of database table using SQL in MS-Access.
08.WAP to illustrate Arithmetic expressions
09. WAP to illustrate Arrays.
10. WAP to illustrate functions.
11. WAP to illustrate constructor & Destructor
12. WAP to illustrate Object and classes.
13. WAP to illustrate Operator overloading
14. WAP to illustrate Function overloading
15. WAP to illustrate Derived classes & Inheritance
16. WAP to insert and delete and element from the Stack
17. WAP to insert and delete and element from the Queue
18. WAP to insert and delete and element from the Linked List