Syllabus Second Semester Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics BT204
The concepts developed in this course will aid in quantification of several concepts in chemistry that have been introduced at the 10+2 levels in schools. Technology is being increasingly based on the electronic, atomic and molecular level modifications, Syllabus Second Semester Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics BT204 is given here.
Manufacturing is fundamental to the development of any engineering product. The course on Engineering Workshop Practice is intended to expose engineering students to different types of manufacturing / fabrication processes, dealing with different materials such as metals, ceramics, plastics, wood, glass etc. While the actual practice of fabrication techniques is given more weightage, some lectures and video clips available on different methods of manufacturing are also included
1. Manufacturing Methods- casting, forming, machining, joining, advanced manufacturing methods (3 lectures)
2. CNC machining, Additive manufacturing (1 lecture)
3. Fitting operations & power tools (1 lecture)
4. Electrical &Electronics (1 lecture)
5. Carpentry (1 lecture)
6. Plastic moulding, glass cutting (1 lecture)
7. Metal casting (1 lecture)
8. Welding (arc welding & gas welding), brazing (1 lecture)
BT 204 – Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics
Mapping & sensing: Mapping details and contouring, Profile Cross sectioning and measurement of areas, volumes, application of measurements in quantity computations, Survey stations, Introduction of remote sensing and its applications.
Reference Books :
1. S. Ramamrutam & R.Narayanan; Basic Civil Engineering, Dhanpat Rai Pub.
2. Prasad I.B., Applied Mechanics, Khanna Publication.
3. Punmia, B.C., Surveying, Standard book depot.
4. Shesha Prakash and Mogaveer; Elements of Civil Engg & Engg. Mechanics; PHI
5. S.P,Timoshenko, Mechanics of stricture, East West press Pvt.Ltd.
6. Surveying by Duggal – Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.
7. Building Construction by S.C. Rangwala- Charotar publications House, Anand.
8. Building Construction by Grucharan Singh- Standard Book House, New Delhi
9. Global Positioning System Principles and application- Gopi, TMH
10. R.C. Hibbler – Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics.
11. A. Boresi & Schmidt- Engineering Mechines- statics dynamics, Thomson’ Books
12. R.K. Rajput, Engineering Mechanics S.Chand & Co.
Experiments :
Students are expected to perform minimum ten experiments from the list suggested below by preferably selecting experiments from each unit of syllabus.
1. To perform traverse surveying with prismatic compass, check for local attraction and determine corrected bearings and to balance the traverse by Bowditch’s rule.
2. To perform leveling exercise by height of instrument of Rise and fall method.
3. To measure horizontal and vertical angles in the field by using Theodolite.
4. To determine (a) normal consistency (b) Initial and Final Setting time of a cement Sample.
5. To determine the workability of fresh concrete of given proportions by slump test or compaction factor test.
6. To determine the Compressive Strength of brick.
7. To determine particle size distribution and fineness modulus of course and fine Aggregate.
8. To verify the law of Triangle of forces and Lami’s theorem.
9. To verify the law of parallelogram of forces.
10. To verify law of polygon of forces
11. To find the support reactions of a given truss and verify analytically.
12. To determine support reaction and shear force at a given section of a simply Supported beam and verify in analytically using parallel beam apparatus.
13. To determine the moment of inertia of fly wheel by falling weight method.
14. To verify bending moment at a given section of a simply supported beam.