What is Time Constant

Time Constant in RL RC Circuit

Time Constant in RL RC Circuit

Just at the start of charging, potential difference across capacitor is zero, hence from (ii) putting vc = 0, we get

∴ initial rate of rise of voltage across the capacitor is 


If this rate of rise were maintained, then time taken to reach voltage V would have been V + V/CR = CR. This time is known as time constant (λ) of the circuit.

Hence, time constant of an R-C circuit is defined as the; 

Time during which voltage across capacitor would have reached its maximum value V had it maintained its initial rate of rise.

In equation given below

if t = λ, then



Time constant may be defined as the time during which capacitor voltage actually rises to 0.632 of its final steady value.


From the equation given below :


by putting t = λ, we get


Hence, the constant of a circuit is also;

The time during which the charging current falls to 0.37 of its initial maximum value (or falls by 0.632 of its initial value).

Read article – Capacitor

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