Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit

Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit

Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit

To understand the Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit consider the parallel circuit of Figure (A). As discussed in Article Complex or Phasor Algebra.

Y = Y1 + Y2 = g1 − jb1 + g2 + jb2 = (g1 + g2) + j(b2 − b1) = G + jB

Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit
Figure A
Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit
Figure B
Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit
Figure C

As seen from Figure (D), (E) and (F).

Hence, equivalent series circuit is as shown in Figure (B) or (C) depending on whether net susceptance B is negative (inductive) or positive (capacitive). If B is negative, then it is an R-L circuit of Figure (B) and if B is positive, then it is an R-C circuit of Figure (C).

Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit
Figure D
Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit
Figure E
Series Equivalent of a Parallel Circuit
Figure F

Read article – Complex or Phasor Algebra.

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